Montellier Mocktail Lemon, Plums & Thyme

We start the month alcohol-free, and what better way to inspire you than with a refreshing recipe developed in collaboration with Montellier sparkling waters.

2 Servings

Preparation Time: 5 min


A few ice cubes

A few slices of lemon

A few plum wedges

Two toothpicks or skewers

2 cups of Montellier lemon sparkling spring water

For the Plum Syrup

2 fresh plums, coarsely chopped

½ cup of water

½ cup of sugar

Juice of ½ lemon


1. Prepare the syrup by placing the plum pieces, water, and sugar into a saucepan.

2. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes, mashing the plum pieces with a fork to reduce them to a compote.

3. Strain through a sieve and let the juice cool.

4. Divide the plum syrup and place a few ice cubes in each glass.

5. Pour the lemon sparkling water to fill the glasses and garnish each glass with plum and lemon pieces skewered on a small wooden stick.